
THIRD CONGRESS Hotel Panoramika, Skopje, Macedonia 22-24 September 2023


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The Association of Professional Physiotherapists of Macedonia organizes it’s Third Congress with international participation.




  PROGRAM    Instructions for the Authors   APPLICATION        



Dear colleagues

It is our honor and pleasure to invite you to the Third Congress of the Association of professional physiotherapists of Macedonia with international participation, which will be held in our capital city of Skopje from 22 to 24 September 2023. We hope that this Congress, like the previous ones, will be filled with novelties from Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

At this Congress, we would like to perceive the challenges of modern times and arrive to some conclusions together. The modern style of life, and the changes that happened on a global level faced us with new situations, which were not part of our work in the past. This requires us to adapt to the new ways of working, approach and perception. Present at the Congress will be professional physiotherapists, from the country and abroad.

Congres Topics

1. Digital rehabilitation

2. Neurorehabilitation

3. Energy healing

4. Manual rehabilitation

5. Physiotherapy in sports

6. Free topics



Tatjana Krsteska



1. Stefan Veljanoski, president

2. Elizabeta Conevska

3. Lidija Trenchevska,

4. Hristijan Stojkoski

5. Dijana Orkić-Shivachev



1. Mr.Sci Goran Sanevski, president

2. Mr.Sci Mirjana Zlatkovikj

3. Mr.Sci Darko Dimovski

4. PhD Tine Kovačić (Slo)



You can download additional informations about the Congress on our website ( or through our Facebook page “profesionalni fizioterapevti”.

Place and accommodation

The beauty of the mountain blends with the urban panorama, and has great connection with the central part of the city. Reservations by phone: +389 70 353 056 (Viber, WhatsAp) / +389 2 609 2222, or via e-mail/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Website:

Registration fee

• The early registration fee by 01.08.2023 is 70€ (VAT included). After this date, the fee will be 85€.

• The registration fee for attendance on one day of the Congress is 35 Euros.

• The registration fee for students of physiotherapy for all days is 25 Euros.

• The registration fee includes: congress material, ID card and certificate.


Association of Professional Physiotherapists of Republic of Macedonia-APPT

- Denar account: 300000002997336. Bank depositor: Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje (Macedonia)

- Foreign currency account: S.W.I.F.T. KOBSMK2X. Iban: MK07300701002686382 (for other countries)


NOTE: All banking commission and fees are at the payer's expense!



All questions and answers will receive through our email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Кои сме ние?

Здружението на професионалните физиотерапевти на Република Македонија е независна и непрофитна асоцијација која ги обединува сите физиотерапевти на територијата на Република Македонија, без оглед на националната припадност и политичкото убедување и има својство на правно лице.








Што е физиотерапевт?

Физиотерапевтот е здравствен работник кој самостојно и одговорно ги извршува своите обврски и ја води физиотерапевтската рехабилитација. Работи со сите старосни групи пациенти од сите национални и политички определувања. Физиотерапевтот е оспособен за соработка во постапките на физиотерапевтската проценка како и за давање на терапија и рехабилитација / хабилитација на пациентите.




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